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New York Jan. 20, 5622

Esteemed Sir,

I am requested by Mr. Hart to communicate with you in relation to the Senate Bill, 13g, a copy of which you forwarded a few days ago.

It has been suggested that it would be advisable for the Board to address a memorial to the President of the U.S., asking, in view of the probably passage of the bill referred to, that he should appoint a chaplain of the Jewish faith to the Hospitals in the several military departments, and recommending you for such chaplaincy to the Hospitals adjacent to Washington.

Mr. Hart prefers to have your views before addressing the President and therefore wished me to write to you on the subject and request you to state your ideas with reference to the more expedient time & method of calling Mr. Lincoln's attention to this matter.

Yours &c  


Revd. Dr. Fischell  

Fischel Letters